Saturday, December 19, 2009

Soo these are the weather conditions in SNJ right now..
I actually tried to drive to work 7 o' clock this morning when it was first starting...God basically picked my car up turned it around and made me go back home Alicia, what's wrong with you??
If I would have made it to Philly ...I woulda been stuck there for sure
because the snow was probably knee high by 12 in the afternoon

Anyway I ended up leaving my car at wawa until this storm dies down...
I could've been updating my journal allll dayy
[which was much needed]
but I opted to be lazy...
I did absolutely nothing...
hung out with my nieces
took the LONGEST nap with one of them
[and didn't even put on a silk bonnet..which i NEVER forget]
I tried a couple different makeup looks
refrained from fb stalking...
and now I'm updating my journal before I take a shower, clean my room and bathroom and go to sleeeppp!!

I'm still into the beauty thing a lot but now I've been ITCHING to do a sew in weave...[this time on my own]
I MUSTTTTTT figure out what I'm going to do about this color
I got my hair colored a couple of weeks ago...This red/blonde/orange color [which dried my hair out soo bad btw, my hair is in a shea butter bath right now] that is impossible to weave match!!!
I would get virgin indian and color it...but it's not that deep...I'm getting the virgin hair for my summer jet black, down my back weave...

ughhhhh as I type this I'm feeling the shame

How did I get sucked up into the phony hair world...
I want my real hair to grow down my back..that's the main purpose of this butt
I reallyy really wanna feel that REMY VELVET on my arm again...
like i love the fact that i can feel my hair on my arm....

but anyway what I"m probably going to do is get some # 350 in reg human hair for the top[b.c they don't make remy in that color, RETARDED]
just a little just enough to blend the very little bit of real hair i'm going to have out in....
then I'll get a number 33 and a number 4 in the remy
I want long with a side part
not leaving any edges out and no back its going to all be braided up b/c my edges broke off A LOT with my last weave so they needta chill out...
and I was thinking about having my sister braid me....but i MIGHT just go to the africans so i can get micro mini no joke tight braids..
we'll see...but this all needsta happen before NYE..

I want it fresh for 0hten


I really needta start pushing this school thing...
This week I"m going HARD...
I'm going to GET the tax returns from my Dad and do my stinkin financial aid
Then I'm gonna start paying for my kit and talking this guy in to signing this loan...
I can't let another season go by where I'm not in school it's getting redic!

So really I'm setting this goal to get this THING done THIS WEEK!
I always do things after i make it a realll do or die GOAL!
Another goal will be to be a GOOD steward over God has given me forreal,
no more ridiculous credit cards for no reason...Vicky's I can see but Express, forreal? I don't even LIKE that store
NO MORE banging and dirtying poor Tammy up...
I'm going to take care of EVERYTHING
including my friends and family...
so no more ignoring texts, calls, and messages [unless necessary]
ugh I just semi-lost hope when I realized my Sallie Mae payment is coming out this week and I haven't deposited my check yettt

Friday, December 4, 2009


SERIOUSLY, I get sooooo sick of people asking me why I'm not dating....
Is it that weird that I CHOOSE to
b.) NOT be bothered with "fill-in-nigga" bs in the meantime??

I mean I think people really don't believe that it's possible for a girl to be content with herself without a man ....

I definitely don't want to be single forever but honestly when I look at my pool of options....I literally get PISSED! only major requirement is that you are a LEADER who is able to hold an INTELLIGENT conversation with me.. with that being said, about 98 % of my options have disappeared.....

then throw in the fact that I want him to be God-fearing, Goal-Oriented, and BLACK with an attraction to black females and my options are just like age 40 and up and I don't do old men...

The point of this post is to say that I'm single, I'm not a lesbian (u would be surprised how close minded people are..or would you?),I'm not bitter and I don't hate men ( i do believe theres hope somewhere out there) I don't plan on being single forever BUT I'm not wasting my time on any immature, throwed off BOY ...i'M's not easy to wait on's not easy to be single....BUTTT.....the state of the black male population makes it a WHOLE LOT EASIER