Wednesday, September 30, 2009

joined chictopia (LOVEAliciaRose) and didnt kno exactly HOW to define my style...

I just wear whatever looks cute...
no favorite brand

not really any favorite stores

no favorite look ....

I'd like to think I'm unpredictably classic...
With like a kick punch of funk. . . .or maybe vice versa..
yeahh that's it....

ANYWAY in further news we are embarking upon the last month of my SEW-IN

It will be 3 months on the 8th and I plan on taking it out at the end of october!!
I'm sooo excited to see if my hair grew...
but I'm most excited about my messy bun!!!!!!
ohhhh how I missed itt!!!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ok sooo i wish I still had a camera so i can post pics...
it would make my journey back into blogging sooo much
more interesting...

I don't think I'm going to fill you in on any of the "happenings"
in my life since my last detailed post...
too much
too scattered
too deep

anyway (i'll just resume like i've been a faithful blogger all this time)...

I've decided I'm going to do most of my shopping at thrift stores and goodwills for the fall/winter/ever and just fill in at stores for everything in between...

I found I get more one of a kind pieces when I do that plus I get to use more creativity when I put them's fun not to mention all the money i save!!
So on Monday when I got done my aunt's hair I stopped at the goodwill and I bought these shoes that I found online at Goodwill for 2.50l !!! THEY KILL MY FEET but I LOVE THEM!
Now, I'm not really a shoes all. I ACTUALLY left tons of shoes at college...and I'm just starting to restock but I truly never wear them in least 4 pair have just takin permanent residence on my closet's top shelf...I'm more of a "find-one-pair-that-feels-comfortable-enough-to-wear-with-anything-whether-they-match-or-not-just-make-it-work-neway" type so these shoes to me are perfect I love royal blue and they are sooo funky I'll wear them with jeans and a tee!

they had black peeptoe pumps just like these only the studs were gold or silver .. I think i might pick them up today...

I also got a men's plaid work shirt, a gray too big pleated skirt that i'm gonna wear as a high waisted skirt with a belt around it, and I got a mustard yellow cardigan all for 14.50

They had the ahhhh cutest gray and white leopard (typical me::rolls eyes::) dress with shoulder pads..tulip skirt, pockets, THE WORKS....had a rip and no tag so they wouldnt let me buy it ::unheard of at a daggon thrift store right?? i'm goin back today that heffa wanted my dress!!!!

I'm hunting down a denim button up to wear with my sequin leggings (h&m 19.95!!) wish me luck!

maybe something more philosophical next post?

alicia rose

Sunday, September 13, 2009

hi new followers =]
i don't update like i should but i try
don't give up on me

alicia rose